

Source with HiSearch

Having trouble with a specific position? Use our search solution, HiSearch, to receive motivated and qualified applicants faster than you can say hi!

Candidate sourcing

Get the best possible conditions for successful hiring process. Your success depends on getting qualified candidates into your own process.

Find the best candidates for the position

After our first meeting with the hiring manager, we prepare a search strategy and start uncovering the entire market for the most suitable, often passive candidates.

We use all sources, talk to informants, search for relevant companies, and make use of all the latest digital tools.

Initiate individual dialogue and create interest

To create mobility, we initiate an individual dialogue with a personalized message. All candidates are different and when we tell the good stories about your company and the opportunity, it is always based on the individual candidate.

From here we go in depth with the match, the position, the candidate etc.

Ensure the right match and qualifications

Within 3-4 weeks, you will receive the best candidates, ready to be interviewed by you. All motivated, qualified and within the salary range. You thus get the best conditions to do what you are best at.

At the same time, you save time and resources that you can spend on value-creating activities instead.

Request HiSearch

Fill out the form and we will contact you!

Ready to elevate your recruitment?

Say goodbye to complicated recruitment processes and hi to efficiency! HiTalento takes care of all the tedious work so you can focus on what’s important; shortlist, interview, and hire.